Friday, October 30, 2009

Little Miss Giggles Introduces Herself

Goodmorning to all the Mr Men and Little Miss' out there.   

Let me introduce myself, I am Little Miss Giggles and the stories on here are the adventures of my friends (and my not so friendly friends) and myself. 

Little Miss Giggles is a teenager.
Likes: Happy music, Hollywood Heartthrobs.
Doesn't care too much for: teenage girls, conflict and negativity.
Obsession: Magazines.
Career Goal: Editor of Dolly Magazines

 I have a best friend, her name is Little Miss Sunshine.  She's a little quirky, we are pretty opposite but she keeps me informed of my daily gossip.  We are always at the top.

And another good friend is Mr Snow, He too is a little quirky but together we come up with elaborate schemes to make the world a better place.  Mr Snow also has an infactuation with Little Miss Miley Cyrus.  One day they will marry.

And these are the only introductions you are going to get.  You can make your own mind up about the rest.

I hope you enjoy the adventures of Little Miss Giggles and her encounters.

Yours Truley,
Little Miss Giggles